3000 €
Ищу группуМузыкальные группы, тамада, DJ
Hello! I am Olga, I am singer.
I graduated academy of music in Belarus (Minsk)
I sing opera and pop music.
I sing in different bands and choirs about 10 years
Also I perform as a lead of consents and write scripts for concerts.
200 €
Перманентный макияж, ТатуажСтрижки, маникюр, макияж
32584 Löhne (Nordrhein Westfalen)
Являюсь сертифицированным мастером и тренером международной Академии Academy-S по перманентному макияжу. Предлагаю процедуры и обучение в разных техниках. Базовый курс с нуля, Мастеркласс –повышение для работающего мастера или Онлайн Мастерклкасс из любой точки мира.
🌍Диплом международного значения и после курса получение логотипа студента Академии🌟
Техники на курсе:
✅ «Magic shading Brows (пудровые брови, брови с плавным градиентом)
✅«Aquarelle lips» (акварельные губы) Superbright lips
✅«Magic shading Liner » (лёгкий лайнер, стрелка с мягкой растушёвкой, межресничная линия)
✅«Сlassic-Liner» (классическая стрелка)
✅«Cover-up»( перекрытие бровей )
🎁Включено: подарки, , питание, coffe break
Для дополнительной информации или записи на курс или процедуру , пишите: marija.scerbakova@academy-s.com
Löhne (32584),Germany
Instagram: permanent_marijascerbakova
(Berlin, Украина)
My name is Katerina. I' m from Ukraine. I am looking for a job as a housekeeper, or a nanny. I graduated of the Humanitarian - Pedagogical Academy, a teacher of junior classes, an English teacher. I have a lot of experience of working in families, in Spain, Germany. I worked with children of different ages. Also I worked in a private school in Ukraine for a long time. In Sweden I worked in a cleaning company. I think it’s a very good job. I love children and I like teaching them and playing with them. Also I have experience of working in a hotel as a children' s animator. I eat healthy food. I like healthy lifestyle. To keep up, I try to count my time correctly. I will be glad to your suggestions, who are looking for a house assistant, please, I will be happy to talk to you! Have a nice day and great mood! Thank you. Best regards, Katerina.
My name is Katerina. I' m from Ukraine. I am looking for a job as a housekeeper, or a nanny. I graduated of the Humanitarian - Pedagogical Academy, a teacher of junior classes, an English teacher. I have a lot of experience of working in families, in Spain, Germany. I worked with children of different ages. Also I worked in a private school in Ukraine for a long time. In Sweden I worked in a cleaning company. I think it’s a very good job. I love children and I like teaching them and playing with them. Also I have experience of working in a hotel as a children' s animator. I eat healthy food. I like healthy lifestyle. To keep up, I try to count my time correctly. I will be glad to your suggestions, who are looking for a house assistant, please, I will be happy to talk to you! Have a nice day and great mood! Thank you. Best regards, Katerina.